20, Aug 2020
Tips for Driving Safely in the Rain

Driving along a road in a safe manner is especially challenging under inclement weather conditions. Rain is a primary cause of automobile accidents because it makes the road slippery and it decreases the driver’s visibility. The weather can not be controlled but there are a few measures that you can do to decrease your risk to get involved in an accident that can harm you as well as other motorists and pedestrians on the road.

Tips for Driving Safely in the Rain:

Hold Back

Try not to expose yourself and others to danger by driving in bad weather conditions, especially if you’re originally from a dry weather area. If you’re from a place where you can only enjoy periodical rains, chances are, you will have more challenges in driving in an inclement weather condition. If it’s not absolutely necessary or if there’s a way for you to reschedule your appointment, then do so because it better to be safe than sorry.

Prepare your Vehicle

If you really can not avoid driving in the rain, then make sure that you at least prepare your vehicle for the travel. Rain decreases visibility, so, clean your windows both inside and outside. This will increase your visibility since dust, dirt, and other particles that cloud your windows will be removed. Check your lights and tires to ensure that all are working and in good condition. The rubber on your tire’s circumference allows your tires to stick fast to the road. Balding tires are dangerous and should be replaced before driving in the rain.

Drive Slowly

The first and most important thing to remember when driving in inclement weather conditions is to drive slowly. As the rainwater mixes with the oil on the road, your tire’s grip will loosen, and the faster you drive, the more chance that your vehicle will skid. If you drive too fast, you will put yourself at risk of hydroplaning and you will not be able to control your car as it slides and loses its grip on the wet surface of the road. Driving slower will also allow you to have ample time to respond to emergencies, like hitting the brakes to avoid a collision.

Drive with Caution

Turn on your headlights, windshield wipers, and defroster to increase your visibility. Always place both your hands on the steering wheel at 9 o’clock and 3 o’clock positions so that you can maneuver your car quickly when necessary. To eliminate the fogs in your window, turn on your car’s AC and open the windows for the air to flow. Do not make any unnecessary sudden movements and avoid hard braking. Hard braking is one of the most unsafe driving behaviors that have to be avoided, especially when driving in inclement weather. It is also important to avoid using cruise control when driving in the rain since you need to have full control under this driving condition.And you should have học lái xe b2 or bằng lái xe a1 hà nội license

Stay Focused

The decreased visibility requires you to pay close attention to the road as well as other vehicles and pedestrians. Avoid any distractions by turning off the radio, hiding your phone in the compartment, and avoiding unnecessary conversations with any passengers.

Keep Your Distance

It will be more difficult to stop your vehicle when driving in the rain, so, ensure that you keep your distance. Keeping a five-second distance between your vehicle and the one in front will give you more time to stop when necessary. The opening will also give you ample space to move your vehicle in the event that you need to escape or pull over.

Avoid Standing Water

Do not drive in flood-prone areas and turn around once you see that there’s standing or moving water on the road. It is worth the effort to take a different route than to allow your car to swim in the flood. Flood and standing water will increase the chance of skidding and hydroplaning.

Do not Hesitate to Pull Over when Necessary

If the visibility reduces to less than 100 meters, pull over and wait for the rain to subside. Roads will normally close and warning signs will be activated in this condition. The lights and signs will inform the drivers of the bad condition. However, if you’re already having trouble seeing the road, no matter the visibility measure, do not hesitate to stop. Safely pull over and turn on your signal lights.